Advantages of the PN-Switch compared to a classic switch

PROFINET is being integrated into an increasing number of production systems and has already become indispensable in the automation industry thanks to the large number of advantages it boasts in comparison to classic bus systems. The question that quickly comes up is whether it would be possible to use conventional switches instead to save money. PROFINET switches for use in industrial automation technology were designed to fulfill very different requirements than the switches you are familiar with from your IT setup. For example, they have to be compatible with common system-construction standards and be tough enough to withstand adverse conditions. Putting these known requirements aside, there is still a large array of PROFINET functions which you would have to do without if you used conventional "office hardware. Do you need further information? Please check our website for the most recent information and feel free to contact us if you need personal advice. Just give us a call at +49 9135 73800. We’re happy to help.






